i have a dilemma.
for the past six years i have created music under the moniker samuraiowl, in various forms (Samurai Owl, SamuraiOwl, samurai owl, and now samuraiowl).
i've built up a wee bit of a following as samuraiowl, as shown by almost 400 subs on YouTube, several buys on BandCamp, even a handful of members in my Discord server, and of course -- all of you on Newgrounds.
i've done all of this as samuraiowl.
here's the problem.
i don't like that name anymore.
it brings to mind -- for me at least -- images of a 14-year-old making colour riddim with a cracked version of FL Studio in his mother's basement with a microphone that can barely handle the sound of his breathing without distorting it to oblivion.
i want to change my name.
of course there's problems with that too. besides the issue of having to restart under this new moniker, i also have the logicstical problem of the music i've released already as samuraiowl.
i can't move it. well -- i could, but it would be a long and arduous process, and some stores wouldn't allow me to at all, creating an obviously detrimental discrepancy.
so... i wouldn't just be dropping the name. i'd also be dropping all the music i've already released under that name.
i don't want to make a big change that isn't gonna be worth it. but i also want a name that sounds professional and doesn't make me feel like a child whenever i give it to someone.
i'd really, really, really, really, really (really really really [really really]) love to hear all of your thoughts.
personally if i were you i'd change it, mostly just to get that professional sheen. i'd ask yourself though, what is the artistic and aesthetic baggage in that name? can you come up with something that will transfer this, or give you a fresh start? will the new name bring any artistic changes? or, is it just to appease "the man", the business aspect, who may frown upon "amateur" aliases?
basically, i think the art side matters most in the music, and i believe that should underpin every other decision
hopefully this all makes sense
SamuraiOwl (Updated )
that makes sense. thanks, that helps :)